Monday, May 7, 2012

On Campus or ONLINE ?

     Engaging in our continual educational process whether through on-line (benefit of  internet technology), or through classroom learning is an individual choice.The ability to adapt and succeed in either spectrum will be of utmost importance in the future of successful living in today's complex economy. Early on in my research studies via the internet; I was suddenly bombarded with emails from online courses that I had never heard of before. I have discovered that these 2 options in learning can provide for accomplishment in  attaining  skills certification and/ or ones's desired professional degree.
      Research shows that there are personal assessment tests that can help define what kind of student one is capable of being.  Thus, taking online courses in the comfort of ones home; according to one's personal schedule,etc  is a personal choice associated with one's capacity to learn compared to the to the personal choice of  a classroom setting.  
     The primary reason a student goes to school is to learn and develop new skills. The ultimate goal in both types of education is in the success of learning.  Some students need the direct face to face imput of their instructors. On the whole, when a student opts for online learning he or she is introduced to a whole new set of useful technical skills that benefit an already computer literate student.
     Social interaction is one of the key aspects of the college experience.  We learn, develop and expand our networking possibilities; both on an eductional level, as well as, on a professional level. " Online education is not as effective," according to the University Library-IDEAL- the Illinois Digital environment for Access to  Learn.
      In concluclusion of  "On Campus or Online," education one has the following similarities and differences to consider as they embark in making this decision.
1. Preparation time and cost of texts, reading materials.
2.  Pace of specific classes.
3.  Discussions.
4. Study aids and tests.
5.  Assignments and group projects.
6.  Instrutor feedback.
7.  Learning and communication.
   Finallly, in regard to reasearch and information many students prefer the social aspect of a college setting.  There is personal interaction with teachers and  some research shows that students are more successful when lessons are presented in real time verses the technical demands of assessing lessons online.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Self-Regulating Strategy~Learning to Maintain Focus~Concentration

Control of my physical environment has become a very important issue and aspect in regard to my academic learning, as well as, living a successful life.  I am a certified substance abuse counselor and have worked in this field long ago. I became a mother again at the age of 35 and have had to re-focus my life goals after divorce and returning to California 5 years ago. Being disabled, I deal with my health issues on a daily basis. When a  girlfriend told me she was going to attend school for alcohol/drug certification, I too, felt inspired and experienced a serge of energy in dedicating myself to on-going education.

The self-regulating tool of 'controlling my environment,' has become an integrated part of my academic goals and healing process. Due to my physical limitations and levels of discomfort and pain, I have established several work areas to organize, focus and concentrate on my studies. I have a very comfortable office chair at my dining room table with school and office supplies nearby. Behind me is my bookcase; where I can read my self-help and inspirational books as well as, educational interests. I cherish my many family photos, especially those of my grandaughter.  This type of atmosphere helps motivate and maintains an on-going  educational strategy. Being able to concentrate and focus on learning adds to my self worth.   I am also grateful for my living room coffee table where I use pillows to prop my back on the couch and I can use my laptop. There is plenty of room for my books and notes. I also have a companion dog named Serenity and she lays behind me reminding me that I am doing the right thing in my life today.  Some days are hard to start, but after my day is done and I lay my head to sleep I know I have participated into the future and success of my life. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Reading History

Reading has been in my blood a child I read whatever books the teachers loan me to take home and read. I went to the library on a regular basis and kept myself occupied as a child of a chronically ill mother who had to stay in bed. I remember reading her stories. In High School, I was directed by my English teacher to take Journalism and by my Senior year I was Editot-in-Chief. This was a fanastic experience and I learned a lot about presenting articles  in a newspaper that were readable to a wide range of my classmates, as well as, my teachers who took pride in the fact that I had been their student throughout my academic process.  I have always been interested in poetry and creative writing. My books of poems reflecting my current life are special to me, as well as, my many journals that maintain my personal account of living and loving life among my children, family and friends. I enjoy Oprah's magazine and Psychology Today just to name a few.

My Reading History

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Hey folks, I havea thus far writen 2 reading histories and they are not going on my blog home page.  So I will keep trying..may havae to make it to see teacher for help this week. My stuff is here if anyone can find it. One went into comments and one went no where cuz it said I had no page. Go figure.  I am in an emotional straight right now on my way to clear my head at the beach. I keep reminding myself its all ok.
Talk to you soon if this will work for me....I won't give up, no no no not I.\
Peace out

Monday, February 13, 2012

My Reading History

Today:  I am learning about reading for pleasure and power. I am interested in the power of being human and practicing to be humble in order to learn and create a forum for learning & healing on all levels. Welcome to life...more will be revealed, so keep coming back.